garden image the the healing garden center

Ways to Give

Your thoughtful philanthropic support of The Healing Garden enables us to maintain, broaden, and enhance our program offerings and services. Also, your gifts are a critical lifeline in helping to ensure we can continue providing the necessary services to all of our clients, regardless of their ability to pay.

At The Healing Garden, we are grateful for all of the gifts we receive. Every gift is important and no donation is ever too small. We gratefully accept:

  • Online gifts – Donate Online Now!
  • Gifts of check, cash, or credit card. Click here to print out a contribution form to mail with a check, cash, or credit card information.   You can call The Healing Garden with your credit card information.
  • Gifts in memory or honor of someone special
  • Matching gifts
  • Monthly giving
  • Bequest gifts
  • Gifts of appreciated stock
  • Gifts of appreciated assets
  • Charitable gift annuities
  • Charitable remainder trusts
  • Charitable lead trusts

The Healing Garden is a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are tax-deductible as provided by law.  Our tax ID number (EIN) is 04-3522717.

To learn more or to notify us that you have already included the Healing Garden in your estate plans, please contact Kelly Marchand, Managing Director at 978-456-3532, Ext 101, or

Every gift we receive is important and plays a critical role in helping us to sustain our mission.  We thank you for your support and philanthropy.

Gifts honoring or remembering loved ones

Contributions made in memory or honor of a special individual represent a personal and meaningful way to donate. Family members often suggest that memorial gifts be made to The Healing Garden in lieu of flowers in memorial announcements, or ask that gifts be made to remember loved ones on birthdays, anniversaries, or other special occasions. Just attach a note to your contribution listing the honoree’s name. We will acknowledge gifts to family members or others, at your request, provided that we have contact information.

To mail-in a check

To mail a gift of check or cash, please print out and complete the Donation Form and mail, with your contribution, to:

The Healing Garden
145 Bolton Road
Harvard, MA 01451

If your employer offers Matching Gifts, please include the form.

Wish List & Special Opportunities

Our Wish List & Special Opportunities indicates some of our cash and in-kind needs for donors who would like to underwrite specific functions or projects. And before giving away any office or garden equipment, please check with Kelly Marchand to see if we can use it!

Charitable Gift Planning

Charitable gift planning creates the opportunity to recognize and celebrate our donors who include The Healing Garden in their estate plans — whether by will, trust, insurance, or life income arrangement.

Planned gifts can fulfill immediate needs or help build our Healing Garden Cancer Support Center Endowment, started in 2016, to ensure that the programs and services of The Healing Garden continue for future generations. This is an opportunity for our donors to create their own legacies.

Examples of planned giving include:

  • a bequest that specifies an amount of money or property, or a percentage of the donor’s estate
  • a contingent bequest that allows The Healing Garden to receive distribution from the estate if one or more of the named beneficiaries does not survive the donor
  • a lifetime charitable trust, which can save both income and estate taxes for the donor
  • a charitable gift annuity, which allows the donor to receive lifetime income in exchange for a gift of cash, stock, or other property of value

The simplest planned gift is to remember The Healing Garden in your will or estate. If you are interested in exploring other vehicles for a charitable planned gift, we encourage you to speak with your personal financial, tax, and/or legal advisor(s).

We invite your inquiries and would be pleased to discuss with you and your advisers how a planned gift might be arranged to meet your unique needs and goals. Your conversations will place you under no obligation and will remain confidential. For more information, please contact Meghan Seidman at 978.456.3532, ext. 105. We hope that you will consider The Healing Garden when contemplating your charitable planning, and we thank you for your thoughtful philanthropy.

Special Funds

Although general operating funds are a preferred type of contribution (so they can be applied where they are needed most), The Healing Garden has two special purpose funds.

Fund a Need

This is our scholarship fund, which pays for therapeutic services or educational programs for those clients who cannot afford the sliding scale or program fees.

Garden Need

All our operating funds are needed for client services, but often a donor wishes to do something for the garden. This fund pays for landscape materials and plants.

Please discuss any gift for a special purpose with Kelly Marchand or call 978-456-3532, ext. 101 before making your donation.

leaf logo for an integrative cancer care center

Support The Healing Garden

We rely entirely on voluntary donations from people like you who are invested in helping those affected by cancer.

Your thoughtful philanthropic support of The Healing Garden enables us to maintain, broaden, and enhance our program offerings and services.