Aug 15

Immune-Boosting Summer Recipes

  by Amy Noordzij, Chef, Personal Chef to individuals in cancer treatment As a Chef I strive to support clients' unique needs through highly personalized meals comprised of whole, real foods that are local, seasonal and organic whenever possible. We have heard the term “eating the rainbow”; starting with color... read more →
Jun 13
May 23

The Healing Garden: A Community of Others

The "state of the burbs" blog recently visited the Healing Garden and spoke to our Co-Directors of Integrative care, Brianne Carter and Christine Zinke, about what makes the Healing Garden unique for patients, families, and caregivers.  We are pleased to share original content and photos below from this in-depth interview.... read more →
Apr 29

Art Therapy: Decoding Non-Verbal Messages

The Healing Garden is pleased to offer our clients access to various forms of psychological therapy from group support, to individual counseling, to art therapy.  We recently sat down with Max Roberts, Healing Garden Intern and Lesley University Master's Student, to understand the benefits of art therapy and learn how... read more →
Feb 28

Vicarious Resilience

Vicarious Resilience - An Added Benefit of Care at The Healing Garden! Did you know that The Healing Garden distinctively fosters a phenomenon called Vicarious Resilience? Vicarious Trauma The term Vicarious Trauma is used in the field of psychology and refers to when a therapist is at risk of experiencing... read more →