Client Care

Nature Therapy
Nature Therapy, or The Horticultural Therapy (HT) is a methodology offered for managing stress, reducing anxiety, and improving quality of life. Outdoor and indoor activity-based groups are held for Healing Garden clients, their families, and the public. Personalized programs for individuals can be arranged – the interests and abilities of anyone who wants to participate can be accommodated.
Horticultural Therapy provides the benefits of physical activity, socialization and team work, as well as a sense of control and satisfaction of being a part of something that everyone who visits the Healing Garden can enjoy. Indoor activities include seasonal projects using natural materials, many of which are gathered on-site.
Eight acres of gardens and woodlands surrounding the facility provide an invitation to connect with nature. Guided walks or sitting on a bench under a tree can encourage paying attention and an awakening of the senses. Just “being present” in this beautiful environment provides an opportunity to discover the healing impact of nature.
Discover the science behind how Nature Therapy works:
Journal of Biological Regulators & Homeostatic Agents Vol. 22, no.1, 54-55 (2008)

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