banner image of garden at cancer support center

Find meaning and purpose in cancer through writing together.  For those who find themselves somewhere on the ‘cancer journey’, whether they consider themselves writers or not, this is an opportunity to explore the terrain of cancer in a supportive, confidential environment.     All sessions will meet via Zoom.  Healing Garden Clients Only.  Priority given to clients (more…)

This music therapy support group explores ways to use your voice as an instrument of healing through music therapy and sound healing techniques. Experience how music and sound can help those navigating cancer with pain management, reduce stress and anxiety, increase energy and mental clarity, improve mood, decrease feelings of isolation, and promote emotional transformation (more…)

Join us in this virtual drop-in music therapy program as we engage in music listening and explore ways to use the voice as an instrument of healing through music therapy and sound healing techniques. No prior musical training is necessary to engage in music therapy. Open to Clients, Caregivers & Bereaved.  The group will meet (more…)

*Revised Dates This four-week series is an invitation to your imagination. We will explore the expressive arts with our focus on process and play, and our intention to use our senses and see what arises. Each of the four playgrounds will offer a different experience, allowing one creative art form to fertilize another. Each meeting will have roots in some form of writing, none of (more…)

Nothing quite screams “Adulting” like navigating cancer on top of everything else going on in your life and in the world. While you’re juggling endless appointments, treatments, side effects, and feelings of uncertainty, grief, and loneliness, it can be difficult to remember when this wasn’t your life.   Join us for a Saturday where you (more…)

Join us at the Healing Garden for a special spring flower arranging class with Pinard’s Florist.  Learn more about the Healing Garden while creating a beautiful spring floral arrangement.  All materials will be provided, cost of the program is $60 per person. Open clients, caregiver and bereaved members as well as the general public.  Donation required for (more…)

Join us for a hands-on introduction to the Ancient Art of Bonsai Design. Together we will learn a brief history of Bonsai, clean and prepare a pre-bonsai stock plant, and learn how to prune, transplant, landscape, and water. Everything you need to create your very own bonsai will be provided. Open to Healing Garden clients.  (more…)

Have you ever experienced being so immersed in a creative activity that you’ve lost track of time? This happens because creative activities such as art making, crafting, and gardening ease us into a state of mindfulness by enhancing our capacity for focus, concentration, inner peace, and calm. Regularly spending time in a mindful state has (more…)

Join us for a discussion about how local flower farmer Amy Cataudella was inspired to start a cut flower business and learn about the amazing flowers she grows to sell locally.  Amy has often donated her flower bouquets to the Healing Garden to give to clients. Amy will guide the group in making a small (more…)

leaf logo for an integrative cancer care center

Support The Healing Garden

We rely entirely on voluntary donations from people like you who are invested in helping those affected by cancer.

Your thoughtful philanthropic support of The Healing Garden enables us to maintain, broaden, and enhance our program offerings and services.