Spring Forest Qigong is a gentle but powerful movement that can be done standing, sitting or lying down. Qi means Life Force and gong means to work – so we are working with our Life Force or Life Energy. The class is 60 minutes and incorporates gentle movement, breath, visualization and association with the energies of the seasons and the organs of those seasons according to Chinese Medicine. The class will end with a short crystal bowl sound bath. The vision of Spring Forest Qigong is to help people learn to heal themselves. With a mission of “A healer in every home and a world without pain and suffering”, you are bound to feel lighter and brighter afterwards!
Open to clients, caregivers and bereaved member. Free program with optional donations accepted.
This program will meet in person at the Healing Garden and will be held outside at the New Labyrinth weather permitting. If the weather is poor, we will hold the class inside in the project room.
Diane Pienta is a writer, artist, creativity mentor and forest therapy guide who loves to help others see and share their own unique Magic and Light through spiritual tools of all types.
She intuitively weaves Nature, Art, Sound, Movement and Writing in her work and believes accessing one’s gifts and sharing them with the world is a pathway to peace, purpose and healing.
Having worked in the business world for two decades, a cancer diagnosis, chronic infections and subsequent adrenal burnout redirected her to a spiritual and alternative path of healing. She credits the power of Nature, Creativity, Energy Medicine, Sound and Spirituality with her health and loves to share so that others can live a vibrant, joyful life.
Diane has spent the last 20 years experiencing, studying and sharing numerous healing modalities. She is a Level 4 Spring Forest Qigong practitioner and practice leader, certified in Level 2 herbalism through the Boston School of Herbal Studies, studying with beloved clairvoyant teacher and counselor Ellen Tadd and numerous years with Martin Prechtel at his NM school Bolad’s Kitchen. She is a certified Positive Psychology coach and Forest Therapy Guide, crystal bowl sound healer, yoga teacher and JourneyDance facilitator. As a writer, she uses words to heal and offer peace. She loves and honors the land deeply and is devoted to helping others reclaim their connection to this magical world. She gives great thanks to all her teachers, seen and unseen.
September 20, 2024
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
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